How we use information about you .....
Gästis Vemdalen is a hostel in the village of Vemdalen, offering accommodation in room rental and apartment rental.
Gästis Vemdalen is responsible for managing your personal information.
When booking, guests must register their personal information and card details to complete their booking via our website.
The data is used to communicate with Guest as well as payment for login, and in case something would happen to be an accident, fire and we need to contact related persons
The data is also used for Statistics (Statistics Sweden), but only from which country the guest comes from and no other information.
These data are stored in our booking system Sirovy and will be saved for a 2 year period if you as a Guest do not request that the data be deleted earlier.
Gästis Vemdalen does not collect information about individuals who can in some way be a threat to the rights and freedoms of individuals, can be classified as sensitive or in load registers.
Gästis Vemdalen is represented in Social Media for the purpose of marketing its brand and its services but collects and saves no information about the individual and its other digital behavioral patterns.